Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why Me?

After a number of attempts to come up with a cute blog address, I finally ended up vain and conceited and named it after me.

It's like finally choosing a straight-to-the-point name for your e-mail account after you've passed through the following stages:

1. Nickname + number (e.g.: mitch16@yahoo.com)
2. Cool sounding (or so you thought) name (e.g.: email_add_ni_lucci@yahoo.com)
3. Adjective + nickname (e.g.: mightymyk@yahoo.com)
4. Joint name of you and your boyfriend + monthsary number (joannajohn_16@yahoo.com)
5. Only having a yahoo, hotmail, or eudoramail account

Then you grow up and switch to Gmail so you would appear more serious and professional. Or sometimes, you would have a secret Yahoo account to YM your friends or your secret friends.

So after all the babbling, here you go--a collection of experiences and unsolicited opinions from yours truly. :)

1 comment:

  1. Gorsh, I posted a comment here last week I swear, but I guess I didnt prove I wasn't a robot (didnt type in the code chorva). Anyway, great blog, Luch!
